CONTROLS (Keyboard)

Looking AroundMouse

(Headphones highly recommended)

You have been marooned in deep space. But you are not alone… you are quarantined with an unknown life form that you must chase and exterminate or stay trapped on your derelict ship forever. But be careful, when backed into a corner the tables will turn, and the creature will hunt you down to survive.

- Credits -

Programming, and some art: PRINTER_NOT_FOUND

Story, map concepts, and PR: Corduroy_Marz

Music: Budgeri

  • This game was made for the GMTK Game Jam 2023. 
  • The theme of the game jam was “Roles Reversed”.
  • The original game was developed in only 48 hours. 

To anyone who would like to see the shader code. I have made it available here:

See the original game soundtrack here

Panic Mode
The End
Rated 4.1 out of 5 stars
(14 total ratings)
AuthorsPrinter Not Found, Corduroy_Marz, Budgeri
GenreSurvival, Action, Shooter
Tags3D, Atmospheric, FPS, Horror, Retro, Sci-fi, Short
Average sessionA few minutes


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I love this game I was not expecting this to be that scary, my heart was pounding when it said I was being hunted. Very fun game, good job. 10/10 

kinda small though

(1 edit) (+1)

this is so so well made. good stuff!



thanks for playing the game, and for the video.


I have absolutely no idea how you made this in 48 hours. Also, the enemy was very easy, i didn't use a single health pack and it didn't do much damage to me. Also, once i got it's attention it was very easy to just unload into it's facehole and kill it in like... 2 encounters. However it was very sketchy and still very fun to play. Not totally sure what the role reversal was?


thanks for the feedback, the game could have definitely had some more playtesting/tweaking. 


Seriously though, The game is amazing in it's design. Make the monster just absolutely brutally dificult to kill and have it do ridiculous damage , and give it the ability to pounce, and you've got yourself an amazing horror action title.


Soundtrack really tied this together. Cool experience!




10/10 Atmospheric, very interesting, the graphics of the 90's only add charm to the game, the boss gives goosebumps, seeing him for the first time I already twitched, but at the initial stage I managed to collect 120 rounds, so the next time he appeared, I killed him, because he attacks very weakly, after which I walked around the empty ship, enjoying its design. The only thing that can be done better is the boss, make it so that he kills with 3-4 attacks, and not with 25. Bottom line: The game is very interesting, the creator is a genius.

thanks for the feedback. im glad you enjoyed the game


10/10! I loved the atmosphere and the alien swooping in and out of door locks was terrifying. The moment when the music kicks in with the alarms was perfection. Thanks for a good game~

thank you for playing, I'm glad you liked it.


PC version pls I like it I wanna play it on my pc 

hmm... perhaps for a full release...


Don't know if it was just for me, but the mouse controls were very janky. Character kept suddenly spinning around, could only turn halfway.

hey, I'm sorry the game wasn't working for you. I've heard a few other people talk about the same issue, if you could let me know what your screen resolution is and if you played the game in fullscreen or not, then that would really help me find the root of the problem. thanks anyway.


I played it on fullscreen in the browser and I think my screen resolution was 1536 x 864.

thanks heaps. I'll look into the problem.


first of all, my score for the game in general is 10/7.9. It has a really nice structure. I especially like the drawing style. It's a game that can reach very good places by adding a little more mechanics. It really relieved me to look outside, especially where we started the game. thank you for the game


Good start!


Good game i enjoyed it. It runs really smoothly really short. should add more and make a full game. love the shader

thanks, we have been discussing future plans for the game...


Absolutely great in every aspect! I was genuinely terrified when the lights started flashing and the music kicked in lol. Also thanks for sharing the shader code, I was also going to ask about it because it looks fantastic 

glad to hear, thanks for playing and feel free to reach out if you have any trouble with the shader.


This game is so awesome! Do you guys plan on expanding it? I would love to play a game like this with longer gameplay. Great work :)

we haven't confirmed any future plans for this game yet, but if we do, you'll probably see posts about it on either mine, or Budgeri's, social outlets.

thanks for playing.


Cool game, looked very nice. I didn't win as in the flashing lights, I panicked xD but had fun nonetheless! Left a follow and keep up the amazing work! Your game starts at 12:30 (also I seem to have accidentally left the banner to the game in the recording SOMEHOW but it still came out well xD)

thankyou so much.


love the art style


Impressive stuff, but hard for me to play without inverse Y axis :)

I'll definitely keep this in mind for any post-jam version or full release. thanks for the feedback


Great game, but I didn't know that there was only one alien, so I just chased after it shooting until it died. lol

yeah, i think we made the game way too easy. we will definitely be re-balancing the game for any future release or post-jam version.

(1 edit) (+1)

Short but not bad at all for being made for a game jam and for being made in a short time span, only bug I encountered was the game does not properly fit in the window the game runs in on this page. Made a video on it.

(1 edit) (+1)

thanks heaps for making the video!


That was a really nice, densely pack experience :) You can feel the isolation and the sense of entrapment! Getting really good Nostromo vibes here.

Well done!

I'm glad you enjoyed it


Interesting concept art. 

thanks a ton for playing the game and making a video!


Wow, I am in awe, How did you make this in 2 days. I couldn't tell it was made in any sort of game jam, its so good. props for you 3.



The horror atmosphere is so incredibly well done and the art-style is amazing! Also props to the composer :D

ayy thanks 


It's just great! Words cannot describe my fear when I saw the creature! The music at the start is beautiful.

aww thanks that was fun to make 


Hello, good game, good theme, friend I want you to subscribe to my youtube channel, greetings

Hey, thanks for playing. 


good stuff. Was the art done with shaders? I like the look. I wish there was more to do than walk around and interact w/ things but the atmosphere was really well done. GJ 


hey, thanks for playing. Yes, I made a custom shader for this game.

If you want, I can share the shader code with you.


seeing the code would be great! I’m trying to get into shaders because they can really add the the style of a game.

awesome, I will set a GitHub repository with all the shader assets and I will add comments to the code to explain things. I'll put the link to it here when it is done.


here is the link to the GitHub repository:



Short, sweet and loved the visual style!

awesome, glad to hear that you liked it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Awesome visuals!



looks nice, don't get what is reverse though

thanks for playing the game. I'll try to better explain the role reversal for you:

during the game, when the alarm starts sounding, it causes the roles to swap mid game (you become the hunted, and the creature becomes the hunter). but when the alarm is off, you are hunting the creature (as it normally is) and it becomes the hunted.

hopefully that can bring more clarity for you.


Super cool
